Every Rolldark Game Master is a Professional Voice Actor represented by our voice actors agency; Rolldark Voices.

With a rich lineage within fantasy roleplay, our voice actors come experienced far beyond the typical actor. Thanks to constant practice at their gaming tables, they have all lived and breathed their characters while refining their voices. From swashbuckling space pirates to misunderstood ice giants, the tapestry of experience from a Rolldark Voice Actor knows no bounds.

So if your project needs a fantastic edge or you’re looking for a confident performance that will stand out… Rolldark Voices has you covered.



Robyn Tennant Fantasy Voice Actor

Robyn Tennant - Voice Actor

Harry Jepheart - Voice Actor

Alex Maude - Voice Actor

John “JC” Ceccherelli - Voice Actor

Ferne Romaniuk - Voice Actor

Chris Hygge - Voice Actor

Anna Dobrucki - Voice Actor

Ben Miles - Voice Actor

 Emilie Maybank- Voice Actor

His talents as a voice actor had us immersed in the story and love the characters he brought to life
— Trustpilot
Chris’ voice acting was superb - he really brought the various amusing miscreants in his rogues’ gallery to life.
— Trustpilot
When we were told we were getting an actual trained voice actor for our game, our expectations were pretty high, but he smashed them even further.
— Trustpilot