Bombard as a Barbarian - DND Class Guide

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game that has been around for over four decades. It has captured the imaginations of millions of players worldwide and continues to be a popular hobby for many. One of the character classes available in D&D is the barbarian, a fierce warrior who relies on raw physical power and rage to defeat their enemies. Here is a guide to help you master the barbarian in D&D.

  1. Know your role. The barbarian is a front-line fighter who excels in melee combat. Your primary role is to draw the enemy's attention and take the brunt of their attacks while your allies support you from behind. Your hit points and damage output are high, making you an excellent tank. Your rage ability also makes you resistant to fear and gives you temporary hit points, allowing you to stay in the fight even when you are badly injured.

  2. Choose your race. When creating your barbarian character, consider the race you want to play. Some races are better suited for the barbarian class than others. For example, half-orcs and Dragonborn are excellent choices for their bonus strength and Constitution scores, making them even more durable in combat. However, other races, like dwarves and halflings, can also make great barbarians with the right skills and equipment.

  3. Select your skills Barbarians have two skills: Athletics and Intimidation. Athletics is used to perform physical tasks, such as climbing, jumping, and grappling. Intimidation is used to scare or coerce other creatures, making it an excellent tool for controlling the battlefield. Choose skills that complement your playstyle and that you think you will use the most.

  4. Pick your weapons Barbarians are proficient in all simple and martial weapons. Consider choosing weapons you are comfortable with that fit your character's backstory. Some popular choices for barbarians include great axes, mauls, and spears. Don't forget to choose armour that fits your playstyle as well. Plate armour is an excellent choice for its high protection, while lighter armour, like leather or studded leather, allows you to move more freely in combat.

  5. Build your rage. Your rage is the barbarian's signature ability, allowing you to enter a frenzy and deal extra damage in combat. The more damage you take, the more powerful your rage becomes. Use your rage to control the battlefield, drawing attention away from your allies and intimidating your enemies. Be sure to choose rage abilities that complement your playstyle and weapons, such as increased damage or improved critical hits.

In conclusion, playing a barbarian in D&D is about maximising your strengths and knowing your role on the battlefield. By choosing the right race, skills, weapons, and rage abilities, you can become a force to be reckoned with and master the barbarian class. Good luck on your journey, adventurer!


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